
wound, injury; fall ill from


  • wound, injury
  • fall ill from
  • to injure
  • injury
  • wound


免受害 miǎn shòu shāng hài to avoid damage
nèi shāng internal injury; disorder of internal organs (due to improper nutrition, overexertion etc)
兩敗俱 liǎng bài jù shāng both sides suffer (idiom); neither side wins
兩虎相爭,必有一 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng , bì yǒu yī shāng if two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom); if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt
兩虎相鬥,必有一 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng when two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom); if it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt.
gōng shāng work-related injury
事故 gōng shāng shì gù industrial accident; work-related injury
dòng shāng frostbite
guā shāng scratch (wound); scratch (damage to an object)
cì shāng to stab
前部皮層下損 qián bù pí céng xià sǔn shāng anterior subcortical lesions
寒 fù shāng hán paratyphoid fever
gē shāng to gash; to cut; gash; cut
chuāng shāng wound; injury; trauma
後 chuāng shāng hòu post-traumatic
後壓力 chuāng shāng hòu yā lì post-traumatic stress
後壓力紊亂 chuāng shāng hòu yā lì wěn luàn post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD
後心理壓力緊張綜合症 chuāng shāng hòu xīn lǐ yā lì jǐn zhāng zōng hé zhèng post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
huá shāng to damage by scratching; to gash; to lacerate
láo shāng disorder of internal organs caused by overexertion
勞民財 láo mín shāng cái waste of manpower and resources
shòu shāng to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed
yǎo shāng bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite)
āi shāng grief; distress; bereavement; grieved; heartbroken; dejected
地 āi shāng de pathetically