
wound, injury; fall ill from


  • wound, injury
  • fall ill from
  • to injure
  • injury
  • wound


哀而不 āi ér bù shāng deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom)
地方性斑疹寒 dì fāng xìng bān zhěn shāng hán murine typhus fever
基底神經節孫損 jī dǐ shén jīng jié sūn sǔn shāng basal ganglia lesions
wài shāng injury; wound; trauma
元氣 dà shāng yuán qì to ruin one's constitution
大規模殺性武器 dà guī mó shā shāng xìng wǔ qì weapons of mass destruction
大量殺武器 dà liàng shā shāng wǔ qì weapons of mass destruction
好了疤忘了疼 hǎo le shāng bā wàng le téng to forget past pains once the wound has healed (idiom)
小作怡情,大作身 xiǎo zuò yí qíng , dà zuò shāng shēn a little bit of it does one good, but carried to excess it's harmful (idiom)
少壯不努力,老大徒悲 shào zhuàng bù nǔ lì , lǎo dà tú shāng bēi if you are lazy in your prime, you'll be sorry in your old age
gōng shāng industrial injury
假 gōng shāng jià injury leave
nòng shāng to bruise; to hurt (something)
bēi shāng sad; sorrowful
惡意中 è yì zhōng shāng malicious libel; slander
惡言人 è yán shāng rén to insult; to direct bad language at sb; to slag off
惡語中 è yǔ zhòng shāng vicious slander; to calumny maliciously
惡語人 è yǔ shāng rén to insult; to direct bad language at sb; to slag off
gǎn shāng sad; downhearted; sentimental; pathos; melancholy
yōu shāng distressed; laden with grief
dǎ shāng to injure; to wound; to damage
niǔ shāng a sprain; a crick; to sprain
zhuā shāng to injure by scratching or clawing
lā shāng to pull; to injure by straining
tàn shāng to inspect metal for flaws (using X-ray or ultrasound etc)