
wound, injury; fall ill from


  • wound, injury
  • fall ill from
  • to injure
  • injury
  • wound


心慘目 shāng xīn cǎn mù (idiom) too appalling to look at
心致死 shāng xīn zhì sǐ to grieve to death; to die of a broken-heart
心蒿目 shāng xīn hāo mù to grieve; broken-hearted
患 shāng huàn injured person
悲 shāng bēi sad; sorrowful (literary)
悼 shāng dào to grieve for deceased relative; to mourn
感 shāng gǎn sad; emotional; sentimental; pathos
懷 shāng huái grieved; full of sorrow
殘 shāng cán disabled; maimed; crippled; (of objects) damaged
殘人員 shāng cán rén yuán the injured; wounded personnel
疤 shāng bā scar; CL:道[dao4]
病員 shāng bìng yuán the sick and the wounded
痕 shāng hén scar; bruise
痕累累 shāng hén lěi lěi bruised; riddled with scars
痛 shāng tòng pain (from wound); sorrow
筋動骨 shāng jīn dòng gǔ to suffer serious injury (idiom)
筋斷骨 shāng jīn duàn gǔ to suffer serious injury (idiom)
者 shāng zhě casualty; victim (of an accident); wounded person
耗 shāng hào damage (e.g. to goods in transit)
腦筋 shāng nǎo jīn to be a real headache; to find sth a real headache; to beat one's brains
號 shāng hào casualties; wounded soldiers
透 shāng tòu to break (sb's heart); to cause grief to
道 shāng dào wound track (the path of a bullet through the body)
風 shāng fēng to catch cold
風敗俗 shāng fēng bài sú offending public morals (idiom)