
wound, injury; fall ill from


  • wound, injury
  • fall ill from
  • to injure
  • injury
  • wound


脾胃 bù shāng pí wèi lit. doesn't hurt the spleen or the stomach; fig. something that is not critical
丘腦損 qiū nǎo sǔn shāng thalamic lesions
zhòng shāng to slander; to smear
二虎相鬥,必有一 èr hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng lit. when two tigers fight, one is sure to be wounded (idiom); fig. if it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt
五勞七 wǔ láo qī shāng (TCM) "five strains and seven impairments", five referring to the five viscera 五臟|五脏[wu3 zang4], and seven to adverse effects on one's body as a result of: overeating (spleen), anger (liver), moisture (kidney), cold (lung), worry (heart), wind and rain (outer appearance) and fear (mind)
五癆七 wǔ láo qī shāng variant of 五勞七傷|五劳七伤[wu3 lao2 qi1 shang1]
個人害 gè rén shāng hài personal injury
不起 shāng bù qǐ (slang) it's just the pits!; so unfair!; unbearable
亡 shāng wáng casualties; injuries and deaths
人 shāng rén to injure sb
俘 shāng fú wounded and captured
停補時 shāng tíng bǔ shí (sports) injury time
別 shāng bié sorrowful farewell; sad goodbye
勢 shāng shì condition of an injury
及無辜 shāng jí wú gū to harm the innocent (idiom)
口 shāng kǒu wound; cut
和氣 shāng hé qi to damage a good relationship; to hurt sb's feelings
員 shāng yuán wounded person
天害理 shāng tiān hài lǐ to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven; outrageous acts
害 shāng hài to injure; to harm
寒 shāng hán typhoid
寒沙門氏菌 shāng hán shā mén shì jūn salmonella typhimurium
寒症 shāng hán zhèng typhoid
弓之鳥 shāng gōng zhī niǎo see 驚弓之鳥|惊弓之鸟[jing1 gong1 zhi1 niao3]
心 shāng xīn to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt
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