飽暖思淫欲,飢寒起盜心 bǎo nuǎn sī yín yù , jī hán qǐ dào xīn


  1. lechery springs from warmth and nourishment, kleptomania springs from hunger and cold (idiom)


飽 bǎo eat heartily; eat one's fill
暖 nuǎn warm, genial
思 sī think, consider, ponder; final particle
淫 yín obscene, licentious, lewd
欲 yù desire, want, long for; intend
飢 jī hunger, starving; hungry; a famine
寒 hán cold, wintry, chilly
起 qǐ rise, stand up; go up; begin
盜 dào rob, steal; thief, bandit
心 xīn heart; mind, intelligence; soul