項莊舞劍,志在沛公 xiàng zhuāng wǔ jiàn , zhì zài pèi gōng


  1. see 項莊舞劍,意在沛公|项庄舞剑,意在沛公[Xiang4 Zhuang1 wu3 jian4 , yi4 zai4 Pei4 gong1]


項 xiàng neck, nape of neck; sum; funds
莊 zhuāng village, hamlet; villa; surname
舞 wǔ dance, posture, prance; brandish
劍 jiàn sword, dagger, saber
志 zhì purpose, will, determination; annals
在 zài be at, in, on; consist in, rest
沛 pèi abundant, full, copious; sudden
公 gōng fair, equitable; public; duke