
village, hamlet; villa; surname


  • village, hamlet
  • villa
  • surname
  • variant of 莊|庄[zhuang1]
  • surname Zhuang
  • farmstead
  • village
  • manor
  • place of business
  • banker (in a gambling game)
  • grave or solemn
  • holdings of a landlord (in imperial China)


yì zhuāng Yizhuang town in Beijing municipality
bié zhuāng villa
動物園 dòng wù zhuāng yuán Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]; also translated 動物農場|动物农场[Dong4 wu4 Nong2 chang3]
nán zhuāng township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
鄉 nán zhuāng xiāng township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan
台兒區 tái ér zhuāng qū Tai'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊市|枣庄市[Zao3 zhuang1 shi4], Shandong
zhōu zhuāng Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction
鎮 zhōu zhuāng zhèn Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction
shān zhuāng manor house; villa; (used in hotel names)
大道 kāng zhuāng dà dào broad and open road (idiom); fig. brilliant future prospects
故作端 gù zuò duān zhuāng artificial show of seriousness; to pretend to be solemn
xīn zhuāng Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
市 xīn zhuāng shì Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
fāng zhuāng Fangzhuang neighborhood of Beijing
cūn zhuāng village; hamlet; CL:座[zuo4]
zǎo zhuāng Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong
市 zǎo zhuāng shì Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong
王 chǔ zhuāng wáng King Zhuang of Chu (reigned 613-591 BC), one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸
環秀山 huán xiù shān zhuāng Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty in Suzhou, Jiangsu
石家 shí jiā zhuāng Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省[He2 bei3 Sheng3] in north China
石家地區 shí jiā zhuāng dì qū Shijiazhuang prefecture in Hebei
石家市 shí jiā zhuāng shì Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省[He2 bei3 Sheng3] in north China
piào zhuāng money shop (ancient form of banking business)
duān zhuāng dignified; composed
luó zhuāng Luozhuang district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong
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