HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 6th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.3) |
INDEX # | 388 |
be at, in, on; consist in, rest
在 zài |

现在 xiàn zài | now; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays |
正在 zhèng zài | just at (that time); right in (that place); right in the middle of (doing sth) |
实在 shí zài | really; actually; indeed; true; real; honest; dependable; (philosophy) reality |
存在 cún zài | to exist; to be; existence |
在乎 zài hu | to care about; equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] |
在于 zài yú | to be in; to lie in; to consist in; to depend on; to rest with |
在意 zài yì | to care about; to mind |
内在 nèi zài | inner; internal; intrinsic; innate |
不在乎 bù zài hu | not to care |
在场 zài chǎng | to be present; to be on the scene |
所在 suǒ zài | place; location; (after a noun) place where it is located |
处在 chǔ zài | to be situated at; to find oneself at |
自在 zì zai | free; unrestrained; comfortable; at ease |
潜在 qián zài | hidden; potential; latent |
在座 zài zuò | to be present |
在内 zài nèi | (included) in it; among them |
无处不在 wú chù bù zài | to be everywhere |
蒙在鼓里 méng zài gǔ lǐ | variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[meng2 zai4 gu3 li3]; lit. kept inside a drum (idiom); fig. completely in the dark |
心不在焉 xīn bù zài yān | absent-minded; preoccupied; inattentive; with one's thoughts wandering |
在逃 zài táo | to be at large (of a criminal) |
在世 zài shì | to be alive |
何在 hé zài | where?; what place? |
所在地 suǒ zài dì | location; site |
高高在上 gāo gāo zài shàng | set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality; aloof and remote |
危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī | in imminent peril (idiom); on the brink of crisis |