電機及電子學工程師聯合會 diàn jī jí diàn zǐ xué gōng chéng shī lián hé huì


  1. IEEE
  2. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers


電 diàn electricity, electric; lightning
機 jī machine; moment, chance
及 jí extend; reach; come up to; and
電 diàn electricity, electric; lightning
子 zǐ offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
學 xué learning, knowledge; school
工 gōng labor, work; worker, laborer
程 chéng journey, trip; schedule, agenda
師 shī teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops
聯 lián connect, join; associate, ally
合 hé combine, unite, join; gather
會 huì to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization