machine; moment, chance


  • machine
  • moment, chance
  • surname Ji
  • machine
  • engine
  • opportunity
  • intention
  • aircraft
  • pivot
  • crucial point
  • flexible (quick-witted)
  • organic
  • CL:臺|台[tai2]


BP b p jī beeper (loanword); pager
上海振華港口械 shàng hǎi zhèn huá gǎng kǒu jī xiè Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company
下飛 xià fēi jī to get off a plane; to deplane
不失時 bù shī shí jī to seize the opportune moment; to lose no time
中國商用飛 zhōng guó shāng yòng fēi jī COMAC (Chinese aeronautics company)
中國國家原子能構 zhōng guó guó jiā yuán zǐ néng jī gòu China Atomic Energy Agency (CAEA)
中國教育和科研計算網 zhōng guó jiào yù hé kē yán jì suàn jī wǎng China Education and Research Network (CERNET); abbr. to 中國教育網|中国教育网[Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 Wang3]
中國精密械進出口公司 zhōng guó jīng mì jī xiè jìn chū kǒu gōng sī China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC)
中國遊藝遊樂園協會 zhōng guó yóu yì jī yóu lè yuán xié huì China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA)
中央處理 zhōng yāng chǔ lǐ jī central processing unit (CPU)
串行點陣打印 chuàn xíng diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī serial dot matrix printer
zhǔ jī main engine; (military) lead aircraft; (computing) host computer; main processor; server
名 zhǔ jī míng hostname (of a networked computer)
板 zhǔ jī bǎn motherboard
主管關 zhǔ guǎn jī guān the authorities; higher competent body
chéng jī to take the opportunity; to take a plane
乾燥 gān zào jī a drier
shì jī confidential aspects of a matter; secrets; key moment for action
交換 jiāo huàn jī switch (telecommunications)
工程 rén jī gōng chéng ergonomics; man-machine engineering
界面 rén jī jiè miàn user interface
sì jī to wait for an opportunity; to watch for one's chance
佛朗 fó lǎng jī Portuguese (Ming era loanword)
佛朗炮 fó lǎng jī pào Western (or Western-style) cannon of the Ming era
佛朗銃 fó lǎng jī chòng Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era
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