車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù , chuán dào qiáo tóu zì rán zhí


  1. lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom)
  2. fig. Everything will turn out for the best.
  3. Let's worry about it when it happens.
  4. It will be all right on the night.


車 chē cart, vehicle; carry in cart
到 dào go to, arrive, been to
山 shān mountain, hill, peak
前 qián in front, forward; preceding
必 bì surely, most certainly; must
有 yǒu have, own, possess; exist
路 lù road, path, street; journey
船 chuán ship, boat, vessel
到 dào go to, arrive, been to
橋 qiáo bridge; beam, crosspiece
頭 tóu head; top; chief, first; boss
自 zì self, private, personal; from
然 rán yes, certainly; pledge, promise
直 zhí straight, erect, vertical