HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 93rd character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.7) |
INDEX # | 1650 |
in front, forward; preceding
前 qián |

前面 qián miàn | ahead; in front; preceding; above; also pr. [qian2 mian5] |
以前 yǐ qián | before; formerly; previous; ago |
提前 tí qián | to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance |
目前 mù qián | at the present time; currently |
前途 qián tú | prospects; future outlook; journey |
从前 cóng qián | previously; formerly; once upon a time |
前提 qián tí | premise; precondition; prerequisite |
先前 xiān qián | before; previously |
当前 dāng qián | current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us) |
前景 qián jǐng | foreground; vista; (future) prospects; perspective |
跟前 gēn qián | the front (of); (in) front; (in) sb's presence; just before (a date) |
跟前 gēn qian | (of children, parents etc) at one's side; living with one |
空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu | unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique |
之前 zhī qián | before; prior to; ago; previously; beforehand |
面前 miàn qián | in front of; facing; (in the) presence (of) |
前进 qián jìn | to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward |
眼前 yǎn qián | before one's eyes; now; at present |
前往 qián wǎng | to leave for; to proceed towards; to go |
前妻 qián qī | ex-wife; late wife |
向前 xiàng qián | forward; onward |
前科 qián kē | criminal record; previous convictions |
前任 qián rèn | predecessor; ex-; former; ex (spouse etc) |
前夫 qián fū | former husband |
前门 qián mén | Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2; front door; main entrance; honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter) |
前来 qián lái | to come (formal); before; previously |