臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網 lín yuān xiàn yú , bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng


  1. better to go home and weave a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish (idiom)
  2. one should take practical steps to achieve one's aim


臨 lín draw near, approach; descend
淵 yuān gulf, abyss, deep
羨 xiàn envy, admire; praise; covet
魚 yú fish; surname; KangXi radical 195
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
如 rú if, supposing; as if; like, as
退 tuì step back, retreat, withdraw
而 ér and; and then; and yet; but
結 jié knot, tie; join, connect
網 wǎng net, web; network