秤砣雖小壓千斤 chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn


  1. although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (idiom)
  2. apparently insignificant details can have a large impact
  3. for want of a nail the battle was lost


秤 chèng balance, scale, steelyard
砣 tuó a stone roller; a heavy stone, a weight, a plummet
雖 suī although, even if
小 xiǎo small, tiny, insignificant
壓 yā press; oppress; crush; pressure
千 qiān thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler
斤 jīn a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69