HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1866th character |
RADICAL | ⽄ (69.0) |
INDEX # | 137 |
a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69
- a catty (approximately 500 g)
- an axe
- keen, shrewd
- KangXi radical number 69
- catty
- (PRC) weight equal to 500 g
- (Tw) weight equal to 600 g
- (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g

公斤 gōng jīn | kilogram (kg) |
斤斤计较 jīn jīn jì jiào | to haggle over every ounce; (fig.) to fuss over minor matters; to split hairs |
千斤顶 qiān jīn dǐng | jack (for lifting weight) |
半斤八两 bàn jīn bā liǎng | not much to choose between the two; tweedledum and tweedledee |
四两拨千斤 sì liǎng bō qiān jīn | lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom); fig. to achieve much with little effort |
斤两 jīn liǎng | weight; (fig.) importance |
斤斗 jīn dǒu | variant of 筋斗[jin1 dou3] |
千斤頂 qiān jīn dǐng | jack (for lifting weight) |
半斤八兩 bàn jīn bā liǎng | not much to choose between the two; tweedledum and tweedledee |
四兩撥千斤 sì liǎng bō qiān jīn | lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom); fig. to achieve much with little effort |
市斤 shì jīn | Chinese unit of weight equal to 0.5 kg |
斤兩 jīn liǎng | weight; (fig.) importance |
斤斤計較 jīn jīn jì jiào | to haggle over every ounce; (fig.) to fuss over minor matters; to split hairs |
斤斤较量 jīn jīn jiào liàng | to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idiom) |
斤斤較量 jīn jīn jiào liàng | to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idiom) |
液压千斤顶 yè yā qiān jīn dǐng | hydraulic jack |
液壓千斤頂 yè yā qiān jīn dǐng | hydraulic jack |
秤砣虽小压千斤 chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn | although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (idiom); apparently insignificant details can have a large impact; for want of a nail the battle was lost |
秤砣雖小壓千斤 chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn | although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (idiom); apparently insignificant details can have a large impact; for want of a nail the battle was lost |
台斤 tái jīn | Taiwan catty (weight equal to 0.6 kg) |
臺斤 tái jīn | Taiwan catty (weight equal to 0.6 kg) |
螺旋千斤顶 luó xuán qiān jīn dǐng | screw jack |
螺旋千斤頂 luó xuán qiān jīn dǐng | screw jack |
齿条千斤顶 chǐ tiáo qiān jīn dǐng | rack and pinion jack |
齒條千斤頂 chǐ tiáo qiān jīn dǐng | rack and pinion jack |