無一事而不學,無一時而不學,無一處而不得 wú yī shì ér bù xué , wú yī shí ér bù xué , wú yī chù ér bù dé


  1. Study everything, at all times, everywhere. (Zhu Xi 朱熹[Zhu1 Xi1])


無 wú negative, no, not; lack, have no
一 yī one; a, an; alone
事 shì affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident
而 ér and; and then; and yet; but
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
學 xué learning, knowledge; school
無 wú negative, no, not; lack, have no
一 yī one; a, an; alone
時 shí time, season; era, age, period
而 ér and; and then; and yet; but
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
學 xué learning, knowledge; school
無 wú negative, no, not; lack, have no
一 yī one; a, an; alone
處 chù place, locale; department
而 ér and; and then; and yet; but
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
得 dé obtain, get, gain, acquire