
time, season; era, age, period


  • time, season
  • era, age, period
  • old variant of 時|时[shi2]
  • surname Shi
  • o'clock
  • time
  • when
  • hour
  • season
  • period


時 stroke order diagram


yī shí a period of time; a while; for a short while; temporary; momentary; at the same time
半刻 yī shí bàn kè a short time; a little while
半晌 yī shí bàn shǎng a short time; a little while
半會 yī shí bàn huì a short time; a little while
半會兒 yī shí bàn huì r a short time; a little while
半霎 yī shí bàn shà a short time; a little while
瑜亮 yī shí yú liàng two remarkable persons living at the same period (as 周瑜[Zhou1 Yu2] and 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4])
間 yī shí jiān for a moment; momentarily
一霎 yī shà shí in an instant
三不五 sān bù wǔ shí (Tw) from time to time; frequently
上下班間 shàng xià bān shí jiān rush hour
上班間 shàng bān shí jiān time of going to work; the morning rush hour
不入宜 bù rù shí yí untimely; premature; inopportune; ill-timed; out of fashion; behind the times
不合宜 bù hé shí yí untimely; premature; inopportune; ill-timed; out of fashion; behind the times
不失機 bù shī shí jī to seize the opportune moment; to lose no time
bù shí from time to time; now and then; occasionally; frequently
之需 bù shí zhī xū a possible period of want or need
不識務 bù shí shí wù to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances; not amenable to reason
不識變 bù shí shí biàn to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances; not amenable to reason
不違農 bù wéi nóng shí not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right season
chǒu shí 1-3 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
中國報 zhōng guó shí bào China Times (newspaper)
zhōng shí China Times (newspaper); abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报 [Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4]
中石器代 zhōng shí qì shí dài Mesolithic Era
事發 shì fā shí the time of the incident
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