師父領進門,修行在個人 shī fu lǐng jìn mén , xiū xíng zài gè rén


  1. the master leads you to the door, the rest is up to you
  2. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink


師 shī teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops
父 fu father; KangXi radical 88
領 lǐng neck; collar; lead, guide
進 jìn advance, make progress, enter
門 mén gate, door, entrance, opening
修 xiū study; repair; cultivate
行 xíng go; walk; move, travel; circulate
在 zài be at, in, on; consist in, rest
個 gè numerary adjunct, piece; single
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else