姜太公釣魚,願者上鉤 jiāng tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu


  1. Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose


姜 jiāng surname; ginger
太 tài very, too, much; big; extreme
公 gōng fair, equitable; public; duke
釣 diào fish; fishhook; tempt, lure
魚 yú fish; surname; KangXi radical 195
願 yuàn desire, want; wish; ambition
者 zhě that which; he who; those who
上 shàng top; superior, highest; go up, send up
鉤 gōu hook, barb; sickle; stroke with