
hook, barb; sickle; stroke with


鉤 gōu
  • variant of 鉤|钩[gou1]
  • to hook
  • to sew
  • to crochet
  • hook
  • check mark or tick
  • window catch


shàng gōu to take the bait
兒 shàng gōu r erhua variant of 上鉤|上钩[shang4 gou1]
dào gōu barb; bicycle kick, or overhead kick (football)
diào gōu suspended hook; hanging hook; hanger
yǎo gōu (of fish) to bite
太公釣魚,願者上 tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
姜太公釣魚,願者上 jiāng tài gōng diào yú , yuàn zhě shàng gōu Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
hòu gōu (dialect) unfinished business; trailing sound
兒 hòu gōu r erhua variant of 後鉤|后钩[hou4 gou1]
dǎ gōu to tick; to check; tick mark; check mark
拉後兒 lā hòu gōu r (dialect) to leave unfinished business
lā gōu pinky swear
guà gōu hook (on which to hang sth); to couple; to link together; to establish contact with; hook; coupling links (e.g. between two railway coaches)
兒 guà gōu r erhua variant of 掛鉤|挂钩[gua4 gou1]
dā gōu a hook; to make contact with sb
náo gōu iron hook at the end a long pole
斑胸嘴鶥 bān xiōng gōu zuǐ méi (bird species of China) black-streaked scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus gravivox)
xié gōu (downwards-right concave hooked character stroke)
絛蟲 yǒu gōu tāo chóng tapeworm (Taenia solium)
棕頭嘴鶥 zōng tóu gōu zuǐ méi (bird species of China) red-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps)
棕頸嘴鶥 zōng jǐng gōu zuǐ méi (bird species of China) streak-breasted scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ruficollis)
橫斜 héng xié gōu ⺄ stroke in Chinese characters
héng gōu horizontal stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)
yú gōu variant of 魚鉤|鱼钩[yu2 gou1]
兒 yú gōu r variant of 魚鉤兒|鱼钩儿[yu2 gou1 r5]
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