天下没有不散的宴席 tiān xià méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí


  1. see 天下沒有不散的筵席|天下没有不散的筵席[tian1 xia4 mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan2 xi2]


天 tiān sky, heaven; god, celestial
下 xià under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down
没 méi not, have not, none; drown, sink
有 yǒu have, own, possess; exist
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
散 sàn scatter, disperse, break up
的 de possessive, adjectival suffix
宴 yàn to entertain, feast; a feast, banquet
席 xí seat; mat; take seat; banquet