各人自掃門前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 gè rén zì sǎo mén qián xuě , mò guǎn tā jiā wǎ shàng shuāng


  1. sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)


各 gè each, individually, every, all
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else
自 zì self, private, personal; from
掃 sǎo sweep, clear away; exterminate
門 mén gate, door, entrance, opening
前 qián in front, forward; preceding
雪 xuě snow; wipe away shame, avenge
莫 mò do not, is not, can not; negative
管 guǎn pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music
他 tā other, another; he, she, it
家 jiā house, home, residence; family
瓦 wǎ tile; earthenware pottery; girl
上 shàng top; superior, highest; go up, send up
霜 shuāng frost; crystallized; candied