千里馬常有,而伯樂不常有 qiān lǐ mǎ cháng yǒu , ér bó lè bù cháng yǒu


  1. lit. there are many swift horses, but very few who can spot them (idiom)
  2. fig. many have talent, but few can recognize talent when they see it


千 qiān thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler
里 lǐ unit of distance; village; lane
馬 mǎ horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
常 cháng common, normal, frequent, regular
有 yǒu have, own, possess; exist
而 ér and; and then; and yet; but
伯 bó older brother; father's elder brother; senior male 'sire'; feudal rank 'count'
樂 lè happy, glad; enjoyable; music
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
常 cháng common, normal, frequent, regular
有 yǒu have, own, possess; exist