五權憲法 wǔ quán xiàn fǎ


  1. Sun Yat-sen's Five-power constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan
  2. The five courts or 院[yuan4] are 行政院[xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan


五 wǔ five; surname
權 quán power, right, authority
憲 xiàn constitution, statute, law
法 fǎ law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French