
constitution, statute, law


憲 xiàn
  • statute
  • constitution


五權法 wǔ quán xiàn fǎ Sun Yat-sen's Five-power constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan; The five courts or 院[yuan4] are 行政院[xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan
伊朗監會 yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran
xiū xiàn to amend the constitution
性 hé xiàn xìng constitutionality
君主立制 jūn zhǔ lì xiàn zhì constitutional monarchy
宗 táng xiàn zōng Emperor Xianzong of Tang (778-820), reign name of twelfth Tang emperor Li Chun 李純|李纯[Li3 Chun2] reigned 805-820
章 dà xiàn zhāng Magna Carta
孝聖 xiào shèng xiàn Empress Xiaoshengxian (1693-1777), consort of Emperor Yongzheng 雍正[Yong1 zheng4] and mother of Emperor Qianlong 乾隆[Qian2 long2]
yí xiàn laws; regulations; rules
兵 xiàn bīng military police
兵隊 xiàn bīng duì the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police 1881-1945 (Japanese counterpart of the Gestapo during WWII)
制 xiàn zhì system of constitutional government; (used as an attributive) constitutional
政 xiàn zhèng constitutional government
政主義 xiàn zhèng zhǔ yì constitutionalism
法 xiàn fǎ constitution (of a country); CL:部[bu4]
法法院 xiàn fǎ fǎ yuàn Constitutional Court
法監護委員會 xiàn fǎ jiān hù wěi yuán huì Guardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which governs Iran
章 xiàn zhāng charter
章派 xiàn zhāng pài the Chartist movement (in the 1840s in England)
按立治國 àn lì xiàn zhì guó to rule a country according to the constitution
lì xiàn to set up a constitution
聯合國章 lián hé guó xiàn zhāng United Nations charter
違反法 wéi fǎn xiàn fǎ to violate the constitution
wéi xiàn unconstitutional
零八章 líng bā xiàn zhāng Charter 08, PRC pro-democracy petition of December 2008
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