中蘇解決懸案大綱協定 zhōng sū jiě jué xuán àn dà gāng xié dìng


  1. the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China


中 zhōng central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain
蘇 sū revive, resurrect; a species of thyme; transliteration of 'Soviet'
解 jiě loosen, unfasten, untie; explain
決 jué decide, determine, judge
懸 xuán hang, suspend, hoist; be hung
案 àn table, bench; legal case
大 dà big, great, vast, large, high
綱 gāng heavy rope, hawser; main points
協 xié be united; cooperate
定 dìng decide, settle, fix