
decide, determine, judge


決 jué
  • to decide
  • to determine
  • to execute (sb)
  • (of a dam etc) to breach or burst
  • definitely
  • certainly


雌雄 yī jué cí xióng to have a show-down; to fight for mastery; to compete for a championship
下定心 xià dìng jué xīn to make a firm resolution
心 xià jué xīn to determine; to resolve
中蘇解懸案大綱協定 zhōng sū jiě jué xuán àn dà gāng xié dìng the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China
亂作定 luàn zuò jué dìng to make arbitrary decisions
xiān jué prerequisite; precondition
問題 xiān jué wèn tí preliminary question; priority problem; issues requiring more immediate attention
條件 xiān jué tiáo jiàn precondition; prerequisite
全民公 quán mín gōng jué referendum
公民表 gōng mín biǎo jué referendum; decided by public vote
gōng jué public decision (by ballot); majority decision; a joint decision; referendum
出席表比例 chū xí biǎo jué bǐ lì proportion of those present and voting
pàn jué judgment (by a court of law); to pass judgment on; to sentence
yǒng jué decisive; brave
賽 bàn jué sài semifinals
qǔ jué to depend upon; to hinge upon
kě jué to adopt; to pass; to vote approval (of a law etc)
率 kě jué lǜ proportion needed to approve a decision
票 kě jué piào affirmative vote
fǒu jué to veto; to overrule
權 fǒu jué quán veto power
票 fǒu jué piào veto
和平解 hé píng jiě jué peace settlement; peaceful solution
單方定 dān fāng jué dìng to decide without reference to other parties involved; unilateral decision
jiān jué firm; resolute; determined
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