
be united; cooperate


  • be united
  • cooperate
  • to cooperate
  • to harmonize
  • to help
  • to assist
  • to join


調 bù xié tiáo uncoordinated; disharmony
不妥 bù tuǒ xié uncompromising
中俄邊界議 zhōng é biān jiè xié yì Sino-Russian Border Agreement of 1991
中國交通運輸會 zhōng guó jiāo tōng yùn shū xié huì China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA)
中國人民對外友好會 zhōng guó rén mín duì wài yǒu hǎo xié huì Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)
中國人民政治商會議 zhōng guó rén mín zhèng zhì xié shāng huì yì CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)
中國伊斯蘭教會 zhōng guó yī sī lán jiào xié huì Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association
中國作 zhōng guó zuò xié China Writers Association (CWA); abbr. for 中國作家協會|中国作家协会[Zhong1 guo2 Zuo4 jia1 Xie2 hui4]
中國作家會 zhōng guó zuò jiā xié huì China Writers Association (CWA)
中國消費者會 zhōng guó xiāo fèi zhě xié huì China Consumers' Association (CCA)
中國石油和化學工業會 zhōng guó shí yóu hé huà xué gōng yè xié huì China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)
中國航空運輸會 zhōng guó háng kōng yùn shū xié huì China Air Transport Association (CATA)
中國遊藝機遊樂園會 zhōng guó yóu yì jī yóu lè yuán xié huì China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA)
中蘇解決懸案大綱定 zhōng sū jiě jué xuán àn dà gāng xié dìng the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China
交通管員 jiāo tōng xié guǎn yuán traffic warden
保密議 bǎo mì xié yì non-disclosure agreement; confidentiality agreement
傳輸定 chuán shū xié dìng transfer protocol; transportation protocol
傳輸控制定 chuán shū kòng zhì xié dìng transmission control protocol; TCP
加密套接字議層 jiā mì tào jiē zì xié yì céng Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing)
作 xié zuò cooperation; coordination
力 xié lì to unite in common effort
力車 xié lì chē vehicle powered by two or more pedallers (typically, a tandem bicycle)
助 xié zhù to provide assistance; to aid
同 xié tóng to cooperate; in coordination with; coordinated; collaborate; collaboration; collaborative
同作用 xié tóng zuò yòng synergy; cooperative interaction
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