
struggle, fight, compete, contend


  • struggle, fight, compete, contend
  • to fight
  • to struggle
  • to condemn
  • to censure
  • to contend
  • to put together
  • coming together
  • variant of 鬭|斗[dou4]
  • variant of 鬥|斗[dou4]


航空母艦戰群 háng kōng mǔ jiàn zhàn dòu qún carrier-based vanguard group (CBVG); naval battle group led by an aircraft carrier
艱苦奮 jiān kǔ fèn dòu to struggle arduously
蝸爭 yǐ dòu wō zhēng lit. the ant fights, the snail contends (idiom); fig. petty squabbling
jué dòu to wrestle
場 jué dòu chǎng wrestling ring
士 jiǎo dòu shì gladiator
蠻爭 chù dòu mán zhēng constant bickering and fighting (idiom); constantly at each other's throats; struggle for personal gain
誇多靡 kuā duō dòu mǐ to compete to produce extravagant literary works (idiom)
鉤心角 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo variant of 勾心鬥角|勾心斗角[gou1 xin1 dou4 jiao3]
階級爭 jiē jí dòu zhēng class struggle
口齒 dòu kǒu chǐ to quarrel; to bicker; glib repartee
嘴 dòu zuǐ to quarrel; to bicker; glib repartee
地主 dòu dì zhǔ "Fight the Landlord" (card game)
士 dòu shì warrior; activist
志 dòu zhì will to fight; fighting spirit
志昂揚 dòu zhì áng yáng having high fighting spirit
批改 dòu pī gǎi struggle, criticize, and transform (Cultural Revolution catchcry)
拳 dòu quán boxing
智 dòu zhì battle of wits
毆 dòu ōu to fight; to brawl; a scuffle; a punch-up
氣 dòu qì to have a grudge against
爭 dòu zhēng a struggle; fight; battle
爭性 dòu zhēng xìng assertiveness; combative nature
牛 dòu niú bullfighting
牛㹴 dòu niú gěng variant of 鬥牛梗|斗牛梗[dou4 niu2 geng3]