
struggle, fight, compete, contend


  • struggle, fight, compete, contend
  • to fight
  • to struggle
  • to condemn
  • to censure
  • to contend
  • to put together
  • coming together
  • variant of 鬭|斗[dou4]
  • variant of 鬥|斗[dou4]


群 zhàn dòu qún battle group; naval formation headed by an aircraft carrier
者 zhàn dòu zhě fighter
艦 zhàn dòu jiàn battleship
dǎ dòu to fight
pī dòu to drag sb before a public meeting to denounce, humiliate and physically abuse them (esp. during the Cultural Revolution)
大會 pī dòu dà huì struggle session
拌嘴舌 bàn zuǐ dòu shé to quarrel
pīn dòu to engage (in a fight)
ái dòu to suffer censure; denounced
jiū dòu to seize and subject to public criticism (form of persecution during the Cultural Revolution)
bó dòu to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
明爭暗 míng zhēng àn dòu to fight openly and maneuver covertly (idiom)
gé dòu to wrestle
xiè dòu armed confrontation; bust-up between gangs
權力爭 quán lì dòu zhēng power struggle
正義爭 zhèng yì dòu zhēng righteous struggle
ōu dòu to have a fist fight; fist fight; brawl
jué dòu to duel; a duel; decisive struggle
爭妍艷 zhēng yán dòu yàn contending for supreme beauty (esp. of flowers, scenery, painting etc); vying in beauty and glamor
zhēng dòu struggle; war
環保士 huán bǎo dòu shì an environmental activist; a fighter for environmental protection
生命不息,戰不止 shēng mìng bù xī , zhàn dòu bù zhǐ while there is life, the fight continues (idiom); to fight to the last
空中格 kōng zhōng gé dòu dogfight (of planes)
窩裡 wō li dòu internal strife (family, group, etc)
羅馬獸場 luó mǎ dòu shòu chǎng Colosseum (Rome)