
struggle, fight, compete, contend


  • struggle, fight, compete, contend
  • to fight
  • to struggle
  • to condemn
  • to censure
  • to contend
  • to put together
  • coming together
  • variant of 鬭|斗[dou4]
  • variant of 鬥|斗[dou4]


一對一牛 yī duì yī dòu niú one-on-one basketball game
三對三牛 sān duì sān dòu niú three-on-three basketball game
二虎相,必有一傷 èr hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng lit. when two tigers fight, one is sure to be wounded (idiom); fig. if it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt
人權士 rén quán dòu shì a human rights activist; a fighter for human rights
內部爭 nèi bù dòu zhēng internal power struggle
nèi dòu internal strife; power struggle; (of members of an organization) to fight each other
兩虎相 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu two tigers fight (idiom); fig. a dispute between two powerful adversaries; a battle of the giants
兩虎相,必有一傷 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng when two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom); if it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt.
勾心角 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo to fight and scheme against each other (idiom); (in palace construction) elaborate and refined
bó dòu to fight or argue on a blogging site (netspeak)
反右派爭 fǎn yòu pài dòu zhēng Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957
反袁爭 fǎn yuán dòu zhēng war of 1915 against Yuan Shikai and for the Republic
單打獨 dān dǎ dú dòu to fight alone (idiom)
困獸猶 kùn shòu yóu dòu a cornered beast will still fight (idiom); to fight like an animal at bay
坐山觀虎 zuò shān guān hǔ dòu sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight; watch in safety whilst others fight then reap the rewards when both sides are exhausted (idiom)
fèn dòu to strive; to struggle
好男不跟女 hǎo nán bù gēn nǚ dòu a real man doesn't fight with womenfolk (idiom)
hào dòu to be warlike; to be belligerent
宙斯盾戰系統 zhòu sī dùn zhàn dòu xì tǒng Aegis Combat System (weapons system developed for the US Navy)
shān dòu leading light (of a generation etc); (honorific appellation)
è dòu hard fighting; fierce battle
zhàn dòu to fight; to engage in combat; struggle; battle; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]
力 zhàn dòu lì fighting strength
機 zhàn dòu jī fighter (aircraft)
營 zhàn dòu yíng boot camp
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