horse; surname; KangXi radical 187


馬 mǎ
  • surname Ma
  • abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
  • horse
  • CL:匹[pi3]
  • horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
  • knight in Western chess


xīn mǎ abbr. for Singapore 新加坡 and Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚
旋轉木 xuán zhuǎn mù mǎ merry-go-round; carousel; Carousel, South Korean TV soap opera
易司儀 yì sī mǎ yí Ismail (name); Shāh Ismāil I (1487-1524), founder of Persian Safavid dynasty, reigned 1501-1524
是騾子是,拉出來遛遛 shì luó zi shì mǎ , lā chū lai liù liu see 是騾子是馬,牽出來遛遛|是骡子是马,牵出来遛遛[shi4 luo2 zi5 shi4 ma3 , qian1 chu1 lai5 liu4 liu5]
是騾子是,牽出來遛遛 shì luó zi shì mǎ , qiān chū lai liù liu lit. to see whether it's a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk (idiom); fig. the proof of the pudding is in the eating; to show what one is made of
普氏野 pǔ shì yě mǎ Przevalski horse (Equus przewalskii) wild horse of Central Asia first identified in 1881 by Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski 普爾熱瓦爾斯基|普尔热瓦尔斯基
mù mǎ wooden horse; rocking horse; vaulting horse (gymnastics); trojan horse (computing)
病毒 mù mǎ bìng dú Trojan horse (type of computer virus)
計 mù mǎ jì wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)
剌丁 zhá mǎ lá dīng see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]
魯丁 zhá mǎ lǔ dīng see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]
dù mǎ Duma, lower chamber of Russian parliament
東方腦炎病毒 dōng fāng mǎ nǎo yán bìng dú eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus
東羅帝國 dōng luó mǎ dì guó Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453)
柏油路 bǎi yóu mǎ lù tarred road; asphalt road
條條大路通羅 tiáo tiáo dà lù tōng luó mǎ all roads lead to Rome; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)
歐巴 ōu bā mǎ Taiwanese variant of 奧巴馬|奥巴马[Ao4 ba1 ma3], Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, president 2009-2017
步進達 bù jìn mǎ dá stepper motor
當活醫 sǐ mǎ dàng huó mǎ yī lit. to give medicine to a dead horse (idiom); fig. to keep trying everything in a desperate situation
特 shā mǎ tè Chinese subculture of young urban migrants, usually of low education, with exaggerated hairstyles, heavy make-up, flamboyant costumes, piercings etc (loanword from "smart")
shuǐ mǎ water-filled barrier
汗血寶 hàn xuè bǎo mǎ Ferghana horse
hàn mǎ lit. to exert one's horse; fig. war exploits; warhorse
功勞 hàn mǎ gōng láo war exploits; (fig.) heroic contribution
hé mǎ hippopotamus