horse; surname; KangXi radical 187


馬 mǎ
  • surname Ma
  • abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
  • horse
  • CL:匹[pi3]
  • horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
  • knight in Western chess


奧克拉荷州 ào kè lā hé mǎ zhōu Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
奧巴 ào bā mǎ Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, president 2009-2017
哈 ào mǎ hā Omaha
爾 ào mǎ ěr Omar (Arabic name)
不吃回頭草 hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo lit. a good horse doesn't turn around and graze the same patch again (idiom); fig. once you've moved on, don't go back again (romantic relationship, job etc); leave the past behind
委內瑞拉腦炎病毒 wěi nèi ruì lā mǎ nǎo yán bìng dú Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus
客西尼園 kè xī mǎ ní yuán Garden of Gethsemane
客西尼花園 kè xī mǎ ní huā yuán Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christian passion story)
害群之 hài qún zhī mǎ lit. a horse that brings trouble to its herd (idiom); fig. troublemaker; black sheep; rotten apple
hài mǎ lit. the black horse of the herd; fig. troublemaker; the black sheep of the family
bǎo mǎ BMW (car company); precious horse
香車 bǎo mǎ xiāng chē precious horses and magnificent carriage (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle; ostentatious display of luxury
duì mǎ Tsushima Island, between Japan and South Korea
島 duì mǎ dǎo Tsushima Island, between Japan and South Korea
海峽 duì mǎ hǎi xiá Tsushima Strait, between Japan and South Korea
xiǎo mǎ colt; pony
座 xiǎo mǎ zuò Equuleus (constellation)
巴哈 bā hā mǎ The Bahamas
巴拉利波 bā lā mǎ lì bō Paramaribo, capital of Suriname (Tw)
巴拿 bā ná mǎ Panama
巴拿城 bā ná mǎ chéng Panama City
巴拿運河 bā ná mǎ yùn hé Panama Canal
乾酪 bā mǎ gān lào Parmesan cheese
瑤族自治縣 bā mǎ yáo zú zì zhì xiàn Bama Yaozu autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi
科 bā mǎ kē Bamako, capital of Mali