
raise, rear, bring up; support


養 yǎng
  • to raise (animals)
  • to bring up (children)
  • to keep (pets)
  • to support
  • to give birth


sòng yǎng to place out for adoption
遵時晦 zūn shí yǎng huì to bide one's time, waiting for an opportunity to stage a comeback in public life (idiom)
野外放 yě wài fàng yǎng free-range (breeding livestock or poultry)
閉目神 bì mù yǎng shén to relax with one's eyes closed
jìng yǎng to convalesce; to recuperate; to fully relax
韜光晦 tāo guāng yǎng huì to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time (idiom); to hide one's light under a bushel
lǐng yǎng adoption; to adopt (a child)
頤性壽 yí xìng yǎng shòu to take care of one's spirit and keep fit (idiom)
yí yǎng to nourish; to nurture; to strengthen
天年 yí yǎng tiān nián lit. to nurture one's years (idiom); fig. to enjoy one's later years
飲食療 yǐn shí liáo yǎng diet
sì yǎng to raise; to rear
員 sì yǎng yuán zookeeper; stockman; breeder (of livestock, dogs or poultry etc)
場 sì yǎng chǎng farm; feed lot; dry lot
業 sì yǎng yè stock farming; animal husbandry
者 sì yǎng zhě feeder
傷 yǎng shāng to heal a wound; to recuperate (from an injury)
兒防老 yǎng ér fáng lǎo (of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age
兵 yǎng bīng to train troops
兵千日,用兵一時 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng bīng yī shí lit. Train an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
兵千日,用在一時 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī shí see 養兵千日,用兵一時|养兵千日,用兵一时[yang3 bing1 qian1 ri4 , yong4 bing1 yi1 shi2]
兵千日,用在一朝 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī zhāo lit. train an army for a thousand days to use it for one morning (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
分 yǎng fèn nutrient
地 yǎng dì to maintain the land (with rotation of crops or fertilizer)
女 yǎng nǚ adopted daughter