tóu tou

head; top; chief, first; boss


頭 tóu
  • head
  • hair style
  • the top
  • end
  • beginning or end
  • a stub
  • remnant
  • chief
  • boss
  • side
  • aspect
  • first
  • leading
  • classifier for pigs or livestock
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
頭 tou
  • suffix for nouns


頭 stroke order diagram


家鴨綠鴨 jiā yā lǜ tóu yā mallard; duck (Anas platyrhyncha)
guǎ tóu oligarch
壟斷 guǎ tóu lǒng duàn oligopoly
政治 guǎ tóu zhèng zhì oligarchy
寧做雞,不做鳳尾 nìng zuò jī tóu , bù zuò fèng wěi lit. would rather be a chicken's head than a phoenix's tail (idiom); fig. to prefer to be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in a big pond
寧為雞,不為鳳尾 nìng wéi jī tóu , bù wéi fèng wěi see 寧做雞頭,不做鳳尾|宁做鸡头,不做凤尾[ning4 zuo4 ji1 tou2 , bu4 zuo4 feng4 wei3]
cùn tóu (male hair style) crew cut; butch cut
duì tóu correct; normal; to be on good terms with; on the right track; right
duì tou (longstanding) opponent; enemy; inimical; adversary; opponent
小星啄木鳥 xiǎo xīng tóu zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) Japanese pygmy woodpecker (Dendrocopos kizuki)
小毛 xiǎo máo tou (coll.) new-born baby; young boy
小葵花鳳鸚鵡 xiǎo kuí huā fèng tóu yīng wǔ (bird species of China) yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea)
小蘿蔔 xiǎo luó bo tou (coll.) little kid
小鳳燕鷗 xiǎo fèng tóu yàn ōu (bird species of China) lesser crested tern (Thalasseus bengalensis)
jiān tóu pointed end; tip; (medicine) oxycephaly
鱥 jiān tóu guì Chinese minnow (Phoxinus oxycephalus)
蛋 qū tóu dàn see 鴨仔蛋|鸭仔蛋[ya1 zi3 dan4]
山本 shān běn tóu (Tw) "Yamamoto haircut", similar to a butch cut, but with even length (no tapering on the sides and back), said to be named after Admiral Yamamoto 山本五十六[Shan1 ben3 Wu3 shi2 liu4]
shān tóu mountain top
嶄露角 zhǎn lù tóu jiǎo to reveal outstanding talent (idiom); to stand out as conspicuously brilliant
川褐山雀 chuān hè tóu shān què (bird species of China) Sichuan tit (Poecile weigoldicus)
gōng tóu foreman
左字 zuǒ zì tóu "top of 左 character" component in Chinese characters
左箭 zuǒ jiàn tóu left-pointing arrow
左箭鍵 zuǒ jiàn tóu jiàn left arrow key (on keyboard)