tóu tou

head; top; chief, first; boss


頭 tóu
  • head
  • hair style
  • the top
  • end
  • beginning or end
  • a stub
  • remnant
  • chief
  • boss
  • side
  • aspect
  • first
  • leading
  • classifier for pigs or livestock
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
頭 tou
  • suffix for nouns


頭 stroke order diagram


山雀 hè tóu shān què (bird species of China) willow tit (Poecile montanus)
嶺雀 hè tóu lǐng què (bird species of China) Sillem's mountain finch (Leucosticte sillemi)
雀鶥 hè tóu què méi (bird species of China) grey-hooded fulvetta (Fulvetta cinereiceps)
鳳鶥 hè tóu fèng méi (bird species of China) Taiwan yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps)
鵐 hè tóu wú (bird species of China) red-headed bunting (Emberiza bruniceps)
鶇 hè tóu dōng (bird species of China) grey-sided thrush (Turdus feae)
鷦鶯 hè tóu jiāo yīng (bird species of China) plain prinia (Prinia inornata)
kù tóu (dialect) underpants; (swimming) trunks
視神經乳 shì shén jīng rǔ tóu optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)
jiǎo tóu gang leader; mafia boss
觸楣 chù méi tóu variant of 觸霉頭|触霉头[chu4 mei2 tou2]
觸霉 chù méi tóu to cause sth unfortunate to happen (to oneself or sb else); to do sth inauspicious; to have a stroke of bad luck
品足 píng tóu pǐn zú to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance (idiom)
論足 píng tóu lùn zú lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance; fig. to find fault in minor details; to remark upon a person's appearance; nitpicking; overcritical; judgmental
cí tóu prefix
試鏡 shì jìng tóu screen test
huà tóu subject (under discussion); thread (of an argument)
rèn tóu to accept defeat; to recognize losing
調 diào tóu variant of 掉頭|掉头[diao4 tou2]
調 diào tou tone (of voice); tune
dú tóu reading head (e.g. in tape deck)
變焦距鏡 biàn jiāo jù jìng tóu zoom lens
zhū tóu pig head; (coll.) fool; jerk
鷹 māo tóu yīng owl
賊腦 zéi tóu zéi nǎo lit. to behave like a thief; furtive; underhand