
rhyme; vowel


  • rhyme
  • vowel
  • beautiful sound
  • appeal
  • charm
  • vowel
  • rhyme
  • in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant)


兒化 ér huà yùn retroflex final; nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese
qiè yùn Qieyun, the first Chinese rime dictionary from 601 AD, containing 11,500 single-character entries; see 反切[fan3 qie4]
別有味 bié yǒu yùn wèi to have quite a lasting charm
xié yùn to rhyme
古今會舉要 gǔ jīn yùn huì jǔ yào "Summary of the Collection of Rhymes Old and New", supplemented and annotated Yuan dynasty version of the no-longer-extant late Song or early Yuan "Collection of Rhymes Old and New" 古今韻會|古今韵会
xié yùn to rhyme; also written 協韻|协韵
詞 tóng yùn cí words with the same phonetic ending; rhyme
hóu yùn pleasant aftertaste in the back of the throat (esp. when drinking tea)
母 dān yùn mǔ simple finals
yā yùn variant of 押韻|押韵[ya1 yun4]
dà yùn rhyme group (group of characters that rhyme, in rhyme books)
xiǎo yùn homophone group (group of homophone characters, in a rhyme book)
wěi yùn rhyme
guǎng yùn Guangyun, Chinese rime dictionary from 11th century, containing 26,194 single-character entries
押平聲 yā píng shēng yùn to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)
yā yùn to rhyme; sometimes written 壓韻|压韵
cì yùn reply to a poem in the same rhyme
bù yùn to write a poem using another poem's rhymes
qì yùn (of literature, art) distinct style; flavor; spirit; character
liú yùn musical sound; flowing rhythm (of poetry); cadence
shén yùn charm or grace (in poetry or art)
piān yùn abbr. for Yupian 玉篇[Yu4 pian1] and Guangyun 廣韻|广韵[Guang3 yun4]
學 shēng yùn xué phonetics
母 fù yùn mǔ compound final
zhuǎn yùn change of rhyme (within a poem)
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