
open; initiate, begin, start


開 kāi
  • to open
  • to start
  • to turn on
  • to boil
  • to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)
  • to operate (a vehicle)
  • carat (gold)
  • abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]
  • abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format


話匣子 dǎ kāi huà xiá zi to start talking
票所 tóu kāi piào suǒ polling station; CL:處|处[chu4]
chāi kāi to dismantle; to disassemble; to open up (sth sealed); to unpick
lā kāi to pull open; to pull apart; to space out; to increase
序幕 lā kāi xù mù (fig.) to raise the curtain; to lift the curtain; to be a curtain raiser for
架勢 lā kāi jià shi to assume a fighting stance; (fig.) to take the offensive
pāo kāi to throw out; to get rid of
wā kāi to dig into; to cut a mine into
nuó kāi to move (sth) aside; to step aside; to move over (when sitting on a bench); to shift (one's gaze)
xiān kāi to lift open; to tear open
tuī kāi to push open (a gate etc); to push away; to reject; to decline
bāi kāi to pull apart; to pry open with the hands
揉碎 bāi kāi róu suì lit. to pull apart and knead to a pulp; fig. to analyze minutely from every angle; to chew sth over
jiē kāi to uncover; to open
piē kāi to disregard; to leave aside
不談 piē kāi bù tán to ignore an issue (idiom)
bō kāi to push aside; to part; to brush away
liāo kai to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something; to toss aside
qiào kāi to pry open; to lever open
擇不 zhái bu kāi impossible to separate; impossible to disentangle; cannot take time out
bò kāi to break open
nǐng kāi to unscrew; to twist off (a lid); to turn on (a faucet); to switch on (by turning a knob); to turn (a door handle); to wrench apart
tān kāi to spread out; to unfold
zhī kāi to send (sb) away; to change the subject; to open (an umbrella etc)
改革放 gǎi gé kāi fàng to reform and open to the outside world; refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980