shut, close; obstruct, block up


  • shut, close
  • obstruct, block up
  • to close
  • to stop up
  • to shut
  • to obstruct


上 bì shang to close; to shut up
上嘴巴 bì shang zuǐ bā Shut up!
元音 bì yuán yīn close vowel
包 bì bāo closure (math.)
區間 bì qū jiān closed interval (in calculus)
卷考試 bì juàn kǎo shì closed-book examination
口不言 bì kǒu bù yán to keep silent (idiom)
口不談 bì kǒu bù tán to refuse to say anything about (idiom); to remain tight-lipped; to avoid mentioning
合 bì hé to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator, the walls of a channel); to close by connecting in a loop (like a circuit); closed-loop
嘴 bì zuǐ Shut up!; same as 閉上嘴巴|闭上嘴巴
圖象定理 bì tú xiàng dìng lǐ closed graph theorem (math.)
域 bì yù closed domain; algebraically closed field (math.), e.g. complex number field 複數域|复数域[fu4 shu4 yu4]
塞 bì sè to stop up; to close up; hard to get to; out of the way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking
塞眼睛捉麻雀 bì sè yǎn jīng zhuō má què lit. to catch sparrows blindfolded (idiom); fig. to act blindly
子集 bì zǐ jí closed subset (math.)
幕 bì mù the curtain falls; lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting)
幕式 bì mù shì closing ceremony
會 bì huì close a meeting
會祈禱 bì huì qí dǎo benediction
月羞花 bì yuè xiū huā lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom); fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world
殼肌 bì ké jī adductor muscle (of a bivalve mollusk)
目塞聽 bì mù sè tīng to shut one's eyes and stop one's ears; out of touch with reality; to bury one's head in the sand
目養神 bì mù yǎng shén to relax with one's eyes closed
經 bì jīng amenorrhoea
著 bì zhe closed