
error, blunder, mistake, wrong


錯 cuò
  • surname Cuo
  • mistake
  • wrong
  • bad
  • interlocking
  • complex
  • to grind
  • to polish
  • to alternate
  • to stagger
  • to miss
  • to let slip
  • to evade
  • to inlay with gold or silver


議論紛 yì lùn fēn cuò see 議論紛紛|议论纷纷[yi4 lun4 fen1 fen1]
讀音誤 dú yīn cuò wù mistake of pronunciation
zǒu cuò to go the wrong way; to take the wrong (road, exit etc)
運行時誤 yùn xíng shí cuò wù run-time error (in computing)
guò cuò mistake; fault; responsibility (for a fault)
邏輯誤 luó ji cuò wù logical error
亂 cuò luàn in disorder; deranged (mentally)
位 cuò wèi to misplace; displacement (e.g. of broken bones); out of alignment; faulty contact; erroneous judgment; inversion (medical, e.g. breach delivery)
別字 cuò bié zì incorrectly written or mispronounced characters
動 cuò dòng to move relative to one another
失 cuò shī fault; mistake; to miss (a chance)
字 cuò zì incorrect character; typo (in Chinese text)
層 cuò céng split-level (home)
峰 cuò fēng to stagger usage to ameliorate peak load
怪 cuò guài to blame sb wrongly
愕 cuò è to astonish; startled
愛 cuò ài misplaced kindness; humble term: I do not deserve your many kindnesses.
時 cuò shí to stagger (holidays, working hours etc)
案 cuò àn a misjudged legal case; a miscarriage (of justice)
漏 cuò lòu error and negligence
用 cuò yòng to misuse; to misapply
綜 cuò zōng intricate; complicated; tangled; involved; to synthesize
綜複雜 cuò zōng fù zá tangled and complicated (idiom)
義突變 cuò yì tū biàn missense mutation
落 cuò luò strewn at random; disorderly; untidy; irregular; uneven