
error, blunder, mistake, wrong


錯 cuò
  • surname Cuo
  • mistake
  • wrong
  • bad
  • interlocking
  • complex
  • to grind
  • to polish
  • to alternate
  • to stagger
  • to miss
  • to let slip
  • to evade
  • to inlay with gold or silver


時空置 shí kōng cuò zhì having elements from another time or place
時空置感 shí kōng cuò zhì gǎn sense of being in another time and place; feeling that one has entered a time warp
誤 duàn cuò wù segmentation fault
méi cuò that's right; sure!; rest assured!; that's good; can't go wrong
hǎi cuò seafood delicacy
fàn cuò to err; to make a mistake; to do the wrong thing
cuǐ cuò many and varied
男怕入行,女怕嫁郎 nán pà rù cuò háng , nǚ pà jià cuò láng men fear getting into the wrong line of business, women fear marrying the wrong man (proverb)
盤根節 pán gēn cuò jié twisted roots and intertwined joints (idiom); complicated and very tricky; knotty and deeply-rooted difficulties
pán cuò intertwined (of tree roots or branches); fig. an intricate matter
kàn cuò to misinterpret what one sees or reads; to misjudge (sb); to mistake (sb for sb else); to misread (a document)
能改 zhī cuò néng gǎi to recognize one's mistakes and be able to reform oneself (idiom)
chéng cuò (computing) glitch; bug
精神亂 jīng shén cuò luàn insanity
jiū cuò to correct an error
納木 nà mù cuò Namtso or Lake Nam (officially Nam Co), mountain lake at Nakchu in central Tibet
縱橫交 zòng héng jiāo cuò criss-crossed (idiom)
羊卓雍 yáng zhuó yōng cuò Yamdrok Lake, Tibet
聲旁誤 shēng páng cuò wù phonological error
tīng cuò to mishear
蟠根節 pán gēn cuò jié variant of 盤根錯節|盘根错节[pan2 gen1 cuo4 jie2]
覺 shì cuò jué optical illusion
觥籌交 gōng chóu jiāo cuò wine goblets and gambling chips lie intertwined; to drink and gamble together in a large group (idiom); a big (drinking) party
shì cuò (abbr. for 嘗試錯誤|尝试错误) trial and error; failure
rèn cuò to admit an error; to acknowledge one's mistake