
error, blunder, mistake, wrong


錯 cuò
  • surname Cuo
  • mistake
  • wrong
  • bad
  • interlocking
  • complex
  • to grind
  • to polish
  • to alternate
  • to stagger
  • to miss
  • to let slip
  • to evade
  • to inlay with gold or silver


落不齊 cuò luò bù qí disorderly and uneven (idiom); irregular and disorderly
落有致 cuò luò yǒu zhì in picturesque disorder (idiom); irregular arrangement with charming effect
處 cuò chu fault
視 cuò shì optical illusion; trick of the eye; parablepsia
覺 cuò jué misconception; illusion; misperception
覺結合 cuò jué jié hé illusory conjunction
角 cuò jiǎo alternate angles (where one line meets two parallel lines)
解 cuò jiě misinterpretation; mistaken explanation
誤 cuò wù error; mistake; CL:個|个[ge4]; mistaken; false; wrong
讀 cuò dú to mispronounce
車 cuò chē to give right of way to another vehicle
過 cuò guò to miss (train, opportunity etc)
那 cuò nà Cona county, Tibetan: Mtsho sna rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
那縣 cuò nà xiàn Cona county, Tibetan: Mtsho sna rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
開 cuò kāi to stagger (times)
雜 cuò zá mixed; jumbled
鑄成大 zhù chéng dà cuò to make a serious mistake (idiom)
陰差陽 yīn chā yáng cuò (idiom) due to an unexpected turn of events
陽差 yīn cuò yáng chā (idiom) due to an unexpected turn of events
jīng cuò puzzled; surprised and nonplussed