
brocade, tapestry; embroidered


  • brocade, tapestry
  • embroidered
  • brocade
  • embroidered work
  • bright


三索蛇 sān suǒ jǐn shé copperhead race (Elaphe radiata), kind of snake
賽 shì jǐn sài world championship
shí jǐn (food) assorted; mixed; assortment
果盤 shí jǐn guǒ pán mixed fruit salad
八段 bā duàn jǐn "eight pieces of brocade," a set of qigong exercises with assumed medical benefits
shí jǐn variant of 什錦|什锦[shi2 jin3]
fù jǐn Fujin county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang
市 fù jǐn shì Fujin county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang
渡 wén jǐn dù Man Kam To (place in Hong Kong)
háng jǐn Hanggin banner, Mongolian Xanggin khoshuu, in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia
後旗 háng jǐn hòu qí Hanggin Rear banner or Xanggin Xoit khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia
旗 háng jǐn qí Hanggin banner, Mongolian Xanggin khoshuu, in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia
以魚 zhuó jǐn yǐ yú to make the ugly beautiful (idiom)
白腹雞 bái fù jǐn jī (bird species of China) Lady Amherst's pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae)
pán jǐn Panjin prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
市 pán jǐn shì Panjin prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
紅腹雞 hóng fù jǐn jī (bird species of China) golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)
jīng jǐn warp brocade; woven fabric with single colored woof but many-colored warp
wěi jǐn woof brocade; woven fabric with many-colored woof
織金 zhī jīn jǐn gilt brocade
zhī jǐn brocade; silk fabric with colored pattern
濤 hú jǐn tāo Hu Jintao (1942-), General Secretary of the CCP 2002-2012, president of the PRC 2003-2013
花團簇 huā tuán jǐn cù brightly colored decorations (idiom); splendid
shǔ jǐn brocade from Sichuan
榮歸 yī jǐn róng guī to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
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