
gold; metals in general; money

HSK 4 #260


金 jīn
  • surname Jin
  • surname Kim (Korean)
  • Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
  • gold
  • chemical element Au
  • generic term for lustrous and ductile metals
  • money
  • golden
  • highly respected
  • one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]


金 stroke order diagram
金 stroke order animation


擂鼓鳴 léi gǔ míng jīn to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back
击鼓鸣 jī gǔ míng jīn to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back
擊鼓鳴 jī gǔ míng jīn to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back
敝帚千 bì zhǒu qiān jīn lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in gold (idiom); fig. sentimental value; I wouldn't be parted with it for anything.
县 xīn jīn xiàn Xinjin county in Liaoning
縣 xīn jīn xiàn Xinjin county in Liaoning
莲 hàn jīn lián garden nasturtium; Tropaeolum majus
蓮 hàn jīn lián garden nasturtium; Tropaeolum majus
易科罚 yì kē fá jīn to commute a prison sentence to a fine (Tw)
易科罰 yì kē fá jīn to commute a prison sentence to a fine (Tw)
书中自有黄屋,书中自有颜如玉 shū zhōng zì yǒu huáng jīn wū , shū zhōng zì yǒu yán rú yù lit. in books are sumptuous houses and graceful ladies (proverb); fig. be diligent in your studies, success and glory will follow
書中自有黃屋,書中自有顏如玉 shū zhōng zì yǒu huáng jīn wū , shū zhōng zì yǒu yán rú yù lit. in books are sumptuous houses and graceful ladies (proverb); fig. be diligent in your studies, success and glory will follow
燕 zēng jīn yàn Zeng Jinyan (1983-), Chinese blogger and human rights activist, wife of dissident activist Hu Jia 胡佳[Hu2 Jia1]
有色属 yǒu sè jīn shǔ non-ferrous metals (all metals excluding iron, chromium, manganese and their alloys)
有色屬 yǒu sè jīn shǔ non-ferrous metals (all metals excluding iron, chromium, manganese and their alloys)
木目 mù mù jīn mokuma-gane (loanword)
娘 táo jīn niáng rose myrtle (Myrtus communis)
娘科 táo jīn niáng kē Myrtaceae (family including myrtle, rosemary, oregano etc)
biāo jīn standard gold bar; deposit when submitting a tender
biāo jīn standard gold bar; deposit when submitting a tender
斑鸻 ōu jīn bān héng (bird species of China) European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria)
斑鴴 ōu jīn bān héng (bird species of China) European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria)
翅雀 ōu jīn chì què (bird species of China) European greenfinch (Chloris chloris)
翅雀 ōu jīn chì què (bird species of China) European greenfinch (Chloris chloris)
kè jīn to make an in-app purchase in a game