
still, yet, also, besides


還 hái
  • still
  • still in progress
  • still more
  • yet
  • even more
  • in addition
  • fairly
  • passably (good)
  • as early as
  • even
  • also
  • else
還 huán
  • surname Huan
  • to pay back
  • to return


bù huán not repay; unrepaid
shàng hái still in; also in
呆 hái dāi still stay; still remain
能 hái néng still can; is it still possible
眨呀 hái zhǎ ya still blinking; still winking
未 hái wèi not yet; still not; not done yet
會 hái huì will also; in addition, will
於 hái yú still at; yet to