
luck, fortune; ship, transport


  • luck, fortune
  • ship, transport
  • to move
  • to transport
  • to use
  • to apply
  • fortune
  • luck
  • fate


hǎi yùn shipping by sea
費 hǎi yùn fèi shipping; sea transport
miǎo yùn faraway; distant; remote
湘桂河 xiāng guì yùn hé Hunan-Guanxi canal, another name for Lingqu 靈渠|灵渠[Ling2 qu2] canal in Xing'an county 興安|兴安[Xing1 an1], Guanxi
滑雪動 huá xuě yùn dòng skiing
cáo yùn (old) to transport by water; to ship grain as tax
無船承人 wú chuán chéng yùn rén non-vessel-owning common carrier (NVOCC) (transportation)
yíng yùn running; operation (of airport, bus service, business etc)
資金 yíng yùn zī jīn working capital
長 yíng yùn zhǎng chief operating officer (COO) (Tw)
狗屎 gǒu shǐ yùn (coll.) (other people's) dumb luck
生命在於動 shēng mìng zài yú yùn dòng life is motion (popular saying with many possible interpretations); Physical effort is vital for our bodies to function (Aristotle).; Life derives from physical exercise.
田徑動 tián jìng yùn dòng track and field sports
fā yùn (of goods) to dispatch; shipment; shipping
百花動 bǎi huā yùn dòng Hundred Flowers Campaign (PRC, 1956-57), in which Mao called for the taboo on discussing mistakes of the CCP to be lifted
皮帶輸機 pí dài yùn shū jī belt conveyor
氣 pèng yùn qi to try one's luck; to leave sth to chance
示威動 shì wēi yùn dòng rally
社會主義教育動 shè huì zhǔ yì jiào yù yùn dòng Socialist Education Movement (1963-66), formal name of the Four Cleanups Movement 四清運動|四清运动[Si4 qing1 Yun4 dong4]
shè yùn social movement; abbr. for 社會運動|社会运动
jìn yùn embargo; export ban (e.g. on weapons)
sī yùn to smuggle
kōng yùn air transport
費 kōng yùn fèi air freight (cost of air transport)
管道輸 guǎn dào yùn shū pipeline transport