
luck, fortune; ship, transport


  • luck, fortune
  • ship, transport
  • to move
  • to transport
  • to use
  • to apply
  • fortune
  • luck
  • fate


chūn yùn (increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year
時來轉 shí lái yùn zhuǎn the time comes, fortune turns (idiom); to have a lucky break; things change for the better
shí yùn circumstances; fate
不濟 shí yùn bù jì fate is unfavorable (idiom); the omens are not good
亨通 shí yùn hēng tōng our luck is in, everything is going smoothly (idiom)
有氧動 yǒu yǎng yùn dòng aerobics
東亞動會 dōng yà yùn dòng huì East Asian Games
東伊 dōng yī yùn abbr. for 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動|东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动[Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Yi1 si1 lan2 Yun4 dong4] East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭動 dōng tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán yùn dòng East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
會 xiào yùn huì (school) field day; sports day
桃花 táo huā yùn luck with the ladies; a romance; good luck
極限動 jí xiàn yùn dòng extreme sport
構造動 gòu zào yùn dòng tectonic movement; movement of earth's crust
jī yùn chance and opportunity
武器禁 wǔ qì jìn yùn embargo on arms sale
毛織動衫 máo zhī yùn dòng shān jersey
mín yùn civil transport; movement aimed at the masses; democracy movement (abbr.)
水上動 shuǐ shàng yùn dòng water sports; aquatic motion; movement over water
shuǐ yùn waterborne transport
qì yùn bus transport
hé yùn river transport
波比動 bō bǐ yùn dòng burpee (loanword)
洋務動 yáng wù yùn dòng Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in China c 1861-1894), also named 自強運動|自强运动
浮點算 fú diǎn yùn suàn floating point operation
海上動 hǎi shàng yùn dòng water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc)