
luck, fortune; ship, transport


  • luck, fortune
  • ship, transport
  • to move
  • to transport
  • to use
  • to apply
  • fortune
  • luck
  • fate


愛國衛生動委員會 ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng wěi yuán huì Patriotic Health Committee
應天承 yìng tiān chéng yùn lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven; the Divine Right of kings
yìng yùn to conform with destiny; as the occasion demands
而生 yìng yùn ér shēng to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom); to arise at an opportune time; able to take advantage of an opportunity; to rise to the occasion
打麻雀動 dǎ má què yùn dòng the Great Sparrow Campaign or the Four Pests Campaign, one of the actions during the Great Leap Forward 大躍進|大跃进[Da4 yue4 jin4] aiming to eliminate four pests: rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows
tuō yùn to consign (goods); to check through (baggage)
行李 tuō yùn xíng li luggage that has been checked in (on flight)
chéng yùn to provide transport; to accept the Mandate of Heaven; to acknowledge one's calling to be emperor
人 chéng yùn rén carrier (of goods etc)
抗日救亡動 kàng rì jiù wáng yùn dòng the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Protest Movement stemming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变
yā yùn to escort (goods or funds); to convey under guard
員 yā yùn yuán supercargo (in maritime law); agent responsible for goods; an escort
jié yùn rapid transit; subway
捷達航空貨 jié dá háng kōng huò yùn Jett8 Airlines Cargo (based in Singapore)
掃黃動 sǎo huáng yùn dòng campaign against pornography
bān yùn freight; transport; portage; to transport; to carry
工 bān yùn gōng porter
撞大 zhuàng dà yùn to have a lucky stroke; to try one's luck
氣 zhuàng yùn qi to try one's luck; to rely on fate
gǎi yùn to alter one's fate; to improve one's luck (e.g. by changing one's name or phone number)
政治動 zhèng zhì yùn dòng political movement
整風動 zhěng fēng yùn dòng Rectification campaign; political purge; cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges
新文化動 xīn wén huà yùn dòng the New Culture Movement (mid-1910s and 1920s), intellectual revolution against Confucianism aiming to introduce Western elements, especially democracy and science
旋轉動 xuán zhuǎn yùn dòng rotation; rotary motion
星座勢 xīng zuò yùn shì (Western-style) horoscope