
luck, fortune; ship, transport


  • luck, fortune
  • ship, transport
  • to move
  • to transport
  • to use
  • to apply
  • fortune
  • luck
  • fate


簡諧動 jiǎn xié yùn dòng simple harmonic motion (in mechanics); motion of a simple pendulum
hóng yùn good luck
單 zǒng yùn dān master air waybill (MAWB) (transport)
美國通 měi guó yùn tōng American Express Co. (Amex)
義和團動 yì hé tuán yùn dòng Boxer Rebellion
lián yùn through transport; through traffic jointly organized by different enterprises
票 lián yùn piào transfer ticket
職業動員 zhí yè yùn dòng yuán professional (athlete); pro
肅反動 sù fǎn yùn dòng purge of counterrevolutionaries (esp. Mao's purge of hidden counterrevolutionaries 1955-56 and Stalin's Great Purge 1936-38)
bèi yùn bad luck; unlucky
自強動 zì qiáng yùn dòng Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in China c 1861-1894), also named 洋務運動|洋务运动
興安河 xīng ān yùn hé another name for Lingqu 靈渠|灵渠[Ling2 qu2] canal in Xing'an county 興安|兴安[Xing1 an1], Guanxi
航空單 háng kōng yùn dān Air Waybill (AWB)
háng yùn shipping; transport
chuán yùn sea freight; shipping
業 chuán yùn yè shipping
蘇伊士河 sū yī shì yùn hé Suez Canal
行李搬工 xíng lǐ bān yùn gōng baggage handler
shuāi yùn decline in fortunes
zhuāng yùn to ship; shipment
解放動 jiě fàng yùn dòng liberation movement
謝靈 xiè líng yùn Xie Lingyun (385-433) poet during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋
護國動 hù guó yùn dòng Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915) or National Protection War, a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor
貨物輸 huò wù yùn shū freight or cargo transportation
huò yùn freight transport; cargo; transported goods