yóu you

wander, roam, travel



遊 yóu
  • surname You
  • to swim
  • variant of 遊|游[you2]
  • to walk
  • to tour
  • to roam
  • to travel


戲 yóu xì game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play
戲場 yóu xì chǎng playground
戲手把 yóu xì shǒu bà gamepad (Tw)
戲機 yóu xì jī video game; game machine
戲王 yóu xì wáng Yu-Gi-Oh!
戲設備 yóu xì shè bèi gaming device; controller (for computer or console)
戲說 yóu xì shuō theory of free play (in Kant's philosophy)
手 yóu shǒu to be idle
手好閑 yóu shǒu hào xián to idle about
抏 yóu wán variant of 遊玩|游玩, to amuse oneself; to have fun; to go sightseeing; to take a stroll
擊戰 yóu jī zhàn guerrilla warfare
擊隊 yóu jī duì guerrilla band
星 yóu xīng planet; also written 行星[xing2 xing1]
春 yóu chūn to go for a trip in spring
樂 yóu lè to amuse oneself; recreation
樂園 yóu lè yuán theme park
樂場 yóu lè chǎng playground
標卡尺 yóu biāo kǎ chǐ dial calipers
歷 yóu lì to tour; to travel
民 yóu mín vagrant; vagabond
民改造 yóu mín gǎi zào rehabilitation of displaced persons
牧 yóu mù nomadic; to move about in search of pasture; to rove around as a nomad
獵 yóu liè to go on a hunting expedition
玩 yóu wán to amuse oneself; to have fun; to go sightseeing; to take a stroll
艇 yóu tǐng barge; yacht; CL:隻|只[zhi1]